Stay safe! Here are some tips for you:
- Change your password every 3 months.
- Password length of at least 8 characters.
- Use a combination of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters.
- In addition, you are strongly encouraged to enable two-factor authentication (or “2FA”). Refer to the guide here.
How can you change your password?
Select Settings from your Dashboard. Click on Password.
- Current Password: Key in your current password.
- New Password: Key in your new password.
- Confirm New Password: Key in your new password again.
Click on “Update password“.
Forgot your password?
Step 1: Click on “Forgot your password?” on the Log-in page.
Step 2: Enter the email address that you have used to sign up for an account with Tokenize. Click on the Get Reset Link.
Step 3: Check the inbox of your email.
- You will receive an email from Tokenize with the Subject: Tokenize Reset-Password Link.
- Click on Reset Password.
Step 4: You will be redirected to this page to reset your password.
- Password: Key in the password of your choice.
- Confirm Password: Key in your password again.
- Click on “Reset Password“.