Step 1: Click on Wallet and select Fiat and Spot
Deposit SGD on Tokenize Xchange
There are 5 ways to deposit SGD:
i) Fast Transfer (new feature from 17th April 2024)
ii) StraitsX
iii) Grab Pay
iv) Swap from XSGD
v) Direct Bank Transfers (only for tiered memberships)
For deposit fee & limit please refer to this link.
1. Fast Transfer
After you have logged in:
Input SGD in the search box and click on Deposit on the right under Action
Select FAST Transfer and Manage Bank Accounts
Input all the segments that are required with a * and click Submit at the end of the pop-up.
A statement summary of the bank account will be shown on the top of the same page with the status showing as unverified.
Once the added bank account details are reviewed and approved, the status will turn from Unverified to Verified.
You can then proceed to copy the depositing bank account details provided, add them to your personal Ibanking account, and do your first transfer from there.
IMPORTANT for FAST Transfers option:
- Your bank account has been added to Tokenize Xchange as an SGD funding source.
- Select only FAST transfer for these fiat transfers.
- Please input your mobile number for comment to the payee if it is needed.
- Deposits are free but there is a flat SGD2 withdrawal fee for this option.
- The minimum transfer limit is SGD100 and the maximum limit will follow your current membership tier.
Do not hesitate to contact us at if you seeking further clarifications.
Reminder for users with existing bank accounts on Fast Transfer withdrawals option:
To ensure that fiat withdrawals arrive seamlessly into your personal bank account, please ensure that the Beneficiary Bank and Swift Code are in place for your existing accounts. You can click on Manage Bank accounts on the right:
The below pop-up will appear, click on Edit input the information that is missing, and click Save
2. StraitsX
IMPORTANT: Please be informed that the Straits X Beneficiary Name and Bank account details have been updated on 17th August 2023.
After you have logged in:
Step 1: Click on Wallet and select Fiat and Spot
Input SGD in the search box and click on Deposit on the right under Action
Select StraitsX, input all the requested information on the right, and click Add Bank Account
The linked bank account will show as a summary with pending status (status will turn to verified when the first deposit is done and received). Exit from this window ( click on the top right cross sign) and you will go back to the previous main page:
Click on Request Deposit Details:
The receiving bank account details will be shown. Extract all this information, add it to your particular personal bank account that you linked previously, and do up a Fast transfer via ibanking.
- Your bank account has been added to Tokenize Xchange as an SGD funding source.
- Select only FAST transfer for these fiat transfers.
- Please input your mobile number for comment to the payee for banks that require this segment.
- Please note: FAST transfers sent from newly linked bank accounts may take up to 72 hours to get credited as it is mandatory to conduct verifications by the StraitsX Team.
- To prevent unforeseeable delays do not transfer more than your membership limit each day. You can refer to the limits here
- Do check and verify the latest deposit details periodically especially if you have yet to transfer for a period of time.
please do not hesitate to contact us at or if you seeking further clarifications.
3. Grab Pay
Select GrabPay, key in the amount you wish to deposit, and click on Continue once completed.
* The fee is 1.5% for each transaction via Grab Pay
Step 2: You are required to authenticate by entering the mobile number.
An SMS with Grab Activation Code (GAC) will be sent to the entered mobile number. Enter GAC to proceed with the payment.
Once the SMS is verified, the payment information page will be reflected, and select Pay to complete the payment.
When the Grab payment is successful, the page with the Payment ID will be shown below.
4. Swap from XSGD
Kindly refer to this link.
5. Direct Bank Transfer (Not available for normal members)
After you have logged in go to Wallet and select Fiat and Spot
Go to SGD and select Deposit on the right-most segment under Action
Click on Direct Bank Transfer followed by Manage Bank Account
Input all the required information, upload your bank statement, and click Add Account at the end of the page
A statement summary of the bank account will be shown on the top of the same page with the status showing as Unverified.
Once the bank account details are reviewed and approved, the status will turn from Unverified to Verified and you will be able to use this mode of fiat transfer.
To do up a deposit request and to extract the depositing bank account details:
After you have logged in go to Wallet > Fiat and Spot > SGD> Deposit > Direct Bank Transfer
Click on Manage bank accounts to select the account that you linked earlier, input the amount to deposit, and click Request Deposit
Take note of the below pop-up and click Confirm
The dashboard will show the necessary information to transfer into Tokenize Xchange account
Final Step: Extract the above information and paste it into your verified bank account for SGD transfer and send in one transfer with the same amount as per the deposit request with the memo indicated.
- Your bank account has been added to Tokenize Xchange as an SGD funding source.
- The Minimum Transfer for SGD direct bank is SGD5,000.
- Select only FAST Transfer for these fiat transfers.
- To prevent unforeseeable delays do not transfer more than your membership limit each day. You can refer to the limits here
- Do check and verify the latest deposit details periodically especially if you have yet to transfer for a period of time.
In the event that you have made an incorrect transfer, please do not hesitate to contact us at