FAQsGetting Started & VerificationDeveloper Guide API

Developer Guide API

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By Tokenize Xchange
September 19, 2024


Tokenize provides a simple and powerful REST API to allow you to programmatically perform nearly all actions you can from our web interface. All requests use the application/json content type and go over https. All responses come with a default response object with result in status field. Always check status field with success flag to ensure your result is good.

Getting Started!

  • The base endpoint is: https://api2.tokenize.exchange/public/v1
  • All endpoint return either a JSON format.
  • HTTP 4xx return codes are used for malformed requests. The issue is on the sender’s side.
  • HTTP 5xx return codes are used for internal errors. The issue on Tokenize’s side.
  • For GET endpoints, parameters must be sent as a query string.
  • For POST, PUT and DELETE endpoints, the parameters may be sent as a query string or in the request body with content type application/json. You may mix parameters between both the query string and request body.
  • Parameters may be sent in any order.

Endpoint Security

  • Each endpoint has a security type that determines how you will interact with it.
  • At first, please get a token ID and token secret key on your Setting page.
  • Generate your API token with payload {id: ID} and sign your token with the secret key, you can download our CLI tool to generate this token with this command:
    • java -jar generator -id ID -secret SECRET_KEY -time 365d
  • API tokens are passed into REST API via X-TKX-TOKEN header.
  • API tokens are case sensitive.

Security Type

None Endpoint can access public
Secured Endpoint requires sending a valid API Token

Constants definitions

Orders status


Order/Ask types


Public Endpoints

Market information

Used to get the open and available trading markets at Tokenize along with other metadata.

GET /market/get-markets


    "message": "",
    "status": "success",
    "data": [
            "title": "BTC",
            "list": [
                    "marketId": "BTC",
                    "marketName": "BTC-BAT",
                    "baseCurrency": "BTC",
                    "marketCurrency": "BAT",
                    "marketCurrencyLong": "Basic Attention Token",
                    "ceiling": "100.00000000",
                    "floor": "0.00000001"
                    "marketId": "BTC",
                    "marketName": "BTC-BCH",
                    "baseCurrency": "BTC",
                    "marketCurrency": "BCH",
                    "marketCurrencyLong": "Bitcoin Cash",
                    "ceiling": "1000.00000000",
                    "floor": "0.00000001"
            "title": "ETH",
            "list": [
                    "marketId": "ETH",
                    "marketName": "ETH-BAT",
                    "baseCurrency": "ETH",
                    "marketCurrency": "BAT",
                    "marketCurrencyLong": "Basic Attention Token",
                    "ceiling": "100.00000000",
                    "floor": "0.00000000"
                    "marketId": "ETH",
                    "marketName": "ETH-BCH",
                    "baseCurrency": "ETH",
                    "marketCurrency": "BCH",
                    "marketCurrencyLong": "Bitcoin Cash",
                    "ceiling": "1000.00000000",
                    "floor": "0.00000000"

Get the last market price

GET /market/get-last-market-price


Name Type Mandatory Description
market String Yes


    "message": "",
    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "market": "LTC-BTC",
        "baseAsset": "LTC",
        "quoteAsset": "BTC",
        "price": "0.00707700"

Get ticker market

Get a ticker for a specified market

GET /market/ticker


Name Type Mandatory Description
market String Yes


    "message": "",
    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "symbol": "LTC-BTC",
        "baseAsset": "LTC",
        "quoteAsset": "BTC",
        "bidPrice": "4.00000000",
        "bidQty": "431.00000000",
        "askPrice": "4.00000200",
        "askQty": "9.00000000"

Get market summaries

Used to get the last 24-hour summary of all active markets.

GET /market/get-summaries


    "message": "",
    "status": "success",
    "data": [
            "marketId": 89,
            "market": "USD-TKX",
            "volume": null,
            "high": 0,
            "low": 0,
            "bidPrice": 0,
            "askPrice": 0
            "marketId": 88,
            "market": "USD-DASH",
            "volume": null,
            "high": 0,
            "low": 0,
            "bidPrice": 0,
            "askPrice": 0
            "marketId": 87,
            "market": "USD-ZEC",
            "volume": null,
            "high": 0,
            "low": 0,
            "bidPrice": 0,
            "askPrice": 0

Get market buy orders

Get all currently buy orders in Tokenize specified by the market

GET /market/get-buy-orders


Name Type Mandatory Description
market String Yes


    "message": "",
    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "market": "BTC-LTC",
        "orders": [
                "quantity": 3.684,
                "rate": 0.03656331009,
                "total": 0.13469923,
                "sum": 0.13469923
                "quantity": 4.44478431,
                "rate": 0.0365633001,
                "total": 0.16251598,
                "sum": 0.29721521

Get market sell orders

Get all currently sell orders in Tokenize specified by the market

GET /market/get-sell-orders


Name Type Mandatory Description
market String Yes


    "message": "",
    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "market": "BTC-LTC",
        "orders": [
                "quantity": 48.83679923,
                "rate": 0.03663652993,
                "total": 1.78921085,
                "sum": 1.78921085
                "quantity": 0.09034879,
                "rate": 0.0366366,
                "total": 0.00331007,
                "sum": 1.79252092

Current average price

Get the current average price for a specified market

GET /market/get-market-avg-price


Name Type Mandatory Description
market String Yes


    "message": "",
    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "market": "BTC-LTC",
        "price": "0.007017"

24h Change price statistic

Get statistics to change of price of a market

GET /market/ticker/24h


Name Type Mandatory Description
market String Yes


    "message": "",
    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "market": "BTC-LTC",
        "highPrice": 0.0078332,
        "lowPrice": 0.0074534,
        "lastPrice": 0.007604,
        "bidPrice": 0.0077343,
        "askPrice": 0.0078934,
        "volume": 657002,

Order book

Allow you to keep track of the state of Tokenize order books on a price aggregated basis with customizable precision

GET /market/orderbook


Name Type Mandatory Description
market String Yes
type String No “buy”, “sell”, “both” or “” to identity the type of orderbook to return
limit Number No Limit numbers of orderbook to return


        "status": "success",
        "message": "",
        "data": {
            "buy": [
                    "quantity": 37.38630477,
                    "rate": 14637.99,
                    "total": 547260.35536021,
                    "sum": 547260.35536021
                    "quantity": 2,
                    "rate": 14636.61,
                    "total": 29273.22,
                    "sum": 576533.57536021
            "sell": [
                    "quantity": 0.1,
                    "rate": 9225,
                    "total": 922.5,
                    "sum": 922.5
                    "quantity": 0.1,
                    "rate": 9250,
                    "total": 925,
                    "sum": 1847.5

Trades histories

Allows the retrieval of past public trades and includes details such as price, size, and time. Optional parameters can be used to limit the number of results.

GET /market/history


Name Type Mandatory Description
market String Yes
limit Number No Limit numbers of trades histories to return


        "status": "success",
        "message": "",
        "data": {
                "id": 7977621709,
                "price": 13287.5,
                "amount": 0.00617253,
                "total": 82.017492375,
                "timeStamp": 1567345561906,
                "type": "buy"
                "id": 7977621707,
                "price": 13283.97,
                "amount": 0.00390669,
                "total": 51.8963527593,
                "timeStamp": 1567345561906,
                "type": "buy"
                "id": 7977607501,
                "price": 13276.72,
                "amount": 2,
                "total": 26553.44,
                "timeStamp": 1567345356196,
                "type": "buy"


The Candles endpoint provides chart candles for a specified time frame and period.

GET /market/candles


Name Type Mandatory Description
market String Yes
resolution string Yes Specify time interval with “W” is week, “D” is day, “M” is minutes.

EX: 1W, 2W, 1D, 2D, 30M

from number no timestamp for start time to get
to number no timestamp for end time to get


        "status": "success",
        "message": "",
        "data": [
                1519257600000,          // Open time
                12428.571428571428,     // Open
                13950,                  // Close
                14875,                  // High
                120.71428571428572,     // Low
                302.5646                // Volume

Secured Endpoint (Need API Token)

Place an order

POST /order


Name Type Mandatory Description
market String Yes
side String Yes ‘buy’ or ‘sell’
units Decimal Yes
price Decimal No Required if type is limit
orderType String Yes Currently, it allows 2 types: “limit” and “market”


    "message": "",
    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "orderId": 98332442,
        "market": "BTC-LTC",
        "transactTime": "1507725176595",
        "price": 0.0071123,
        "originUnits": 600,
        "commissionPaid": 0.0004322,
        "type": "market",
        "status": "pending"

Place buy order

POST /order/buy

POST /order/buy will be removed in the future. (Exact date unknown). Please use POST /order instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
market String Yes
units Decimal Yes
price Decimal No
type String Yes Currently it allows 2 type: “limit” and “market”


    "message": "",
    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "orderId": 98332442,
        "market": "BTC-LTC",
        "transactTime": "1507725176595",
        "price": 0.0071123,
        "originUnits": 600,
        "commissionPaid": 0.0004322,
        "type": "MARKET",
        "status": "PENDING"

Get Order History

GET /order


Name Type Mandatory Description
market String No
 start time Number No
end time Number No
side bid or ask No
status pending, completed, cancelled No
limit Number, Max(1000) No
page Number No


    "status": "success",
    "message": "",
    "data": [
            "orderId": 133481338,
            "market": "SGD-TKX",
            "side": "bid",
            "type": "limit",
            "status": "completed",
            "originUnits": 425.42034625,
            "price": 10.033,
            "filledUnits": 425.42034625,
            "commissionPaid": 12.8,
            "commissionAsset": "SGD"
            "orderId": 133481337,
            "market": "SGD-TKX",
            "side": "bid",
            "type": "limit",
            "status": "completed",
            "originUnits": 10,
            "price": 11,
            "filledUnits": 10,
            "commissionPaid": 1,
            "commissionAsset": "SGD"
            "orderId": 133430547,
            "market": "SGD-TKX",
            "side": "bid",
            "type": "market fund",
            "status": "completed",
            "originUnits": 0,
            "price": 0,
            "filledUnits": 9.87767645,
            "commissionPaid": null,
            "commissionAsset": "SGD"
            "orderId": 133429533,
            "market": "SGD-TKX",
            "side": "ask",
            "type": "market",
            "status": "completed",
            "originUnits": 618.65081113,
            "price": 9.9165,
            "filledUnits": 616.7948587,
            "commissionPaid": 1.85038457272017,
            "commissionAsset": "SGD"
            "orderId": 133429491,
            "market": "SGD-TKX",
            "side": "ask",
            "type": "market",
            "status": "completed",
            "originUnits": 1237.30162226,
            "price": 9.9272,
            "filledUnits": 1233.5897174,
            "commissionPaid": 3.70076914544034,
            "commissionAsset": "SGD"

Check buy order

Check your buy order by specified ID.

GET /order/buy

GET /order/buy will be removed in the future (Exact date unknown). Please use GET /order/:orderId instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
orderId Number Yes


  "status": "success",
  "message": "",
  "data": {
    "orderId": 133481338,
    "side": "bid",
    "market": "SGD-TKX",
    "status": "completed",
    "type": "limit",
    "transactTime": 1665716305753,
    "originUnits": 425.42034625,
    "price": 10.033,
    "filledUnits": 425.42034624999997,
    "commissionPaid": 12.799999999999999,
    "fills": [
        "id": 66692560,
        "price": 10.033,
        "units": 390.59920664,
        "commission": 11.75230543,
        "commissionAsset": "SGD"
        "id": 66996972,
        "price": 10.033,
        "units": 34.82113961,
        "commission": 1.04769457,
        "commissionAsset": "SGD"

Current open your buy orders

Get all buy orders that you currently have opened.

GET /order/buy/open

GET /order/buy will be removed in the future (Exact date unknown). Please use GET /order instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
market String No Get only orders match with symbol
starttime Long No Get order after this time
endtime Long No Get orders before this time


    "message": "",
    "status": "success",
    "data": [
            "orderId": 98332442,
            "market": "BTC-LTC",
            "price": 0.0071123,
            "originUnits": 600,
            "filledUnits": 500,
            "commissionPaid": 0.0003422,
            "type": "MARKET",
            "status": "PENDING"
            "orderId": 98332442,
            "market": "BTC-ETH",
            "price": 0.0071123,
            "originUnits": 600,
            "filledUnits": 500,
            "commissionPaid": 0.0003422,
            "type": "MARKET",
            "status": "PENDING"

Get all your buy orders

GET /order/buy/all

GET /order/buy/all will be removed in the future (Exact date unknown).

Please use GET /order/:orderId instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
market String No Get only orders match with symbol
starttime Long No Get order after this time
endtime Long No Get orders before this time


    "message": "",
    "status": "success",
    "data": [
            "orderId": 98332442,
            "market": "BTC-ETH",
            "price": 0.0071123,
            "originUnits": 600,
            "filledUnits": 0,
            "commissionPaid": 0.0004223,
            "type": "MARKET",
            "status": "CANCEL"
            "orderId": 98332442,
            "market": "BTC-ETH",
            "transactTime": "1507725176595",
            "price": 0.0071123,
            "originUnits": 600,
            "filledUnits": 0,
            "commissionPaid": 0.0004223,
            "type": "MARKET",
            "status": "COMPLETE"
            "orderId": 98332442,
            "market": "BTC-LTC",
            "transactTime": "1507725176595",
            "price": 0.0071123,
            "originUnits": 600,
            "filledUnits": 500,
            "commissionPaid": 0.0004223,
            "type": "MARKET",
            "status": "PENDING"
            "orderId": 98332442,
            "market": "BTC-ETH",
            "transactTime": "1507725176595",
            "price": 0.0071123,
            "originUnits": 600,
            "filledUnits": 0,
            "commissionPaid": 0.0004223,
            "type": "MARKET",
            "status": "PENDING"

Place a sell order

POST /order/sell

POST /order/sell will be removed in the future (Exact date unknown). Please use POST /order instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
market String Yes
units Decimal Yes
price Decimal Required when orderType is limit or stop limit
orderType String Yes Currently it allows 4 types: “limit”, “market”, “stop limit”, or “trailing stop”
timeInForce String Optional Default value is “Good Till Cancelled”
distancePrice Number Required when orderType is trailing stop
distanceType String Required when orderType is trailing stop Options are “fiat” or “percent”


    "message": "",
    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "orderid": 98332442,
        "market": "BTC-LTC",
        "price": 0.0071123,
        "originUnits": 600,
        "commissionPaid": 0.0004332,
        "type": "MARKET",
        "status": "PENDING"

Check sell order

Get your sell order by the specified ID

GET /order/sell

GET /order/sell will be removed in the future (Exact date unknown).

Please use GET /order/:orderId instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
orderid Number Yes


    "message": "",
    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "orderid": 98332442,
        "market": "BTC-LTC",
        "price": 0.0071123,
        "originUnits": 600,
        "filledUnits": 600,
        "commissionPaid": 0.0003442,
        "type": "MARKET",
        "status": "COMPLETE",
        "fills": [
                "price": 0.0071223,
                "units": 200,
                "commission": 12.333,
                "commissionAsset": "LTC"
                "price": 0.0071144,
                "units": 400,
                "commission": 12.333,
                "commissionAsset": "LTC"

Cancel an order

Cancel your sell/buy order by specified ID

DELETE /order/:orderid


Name Type Mandatory Description
orderid Number Yes


    "message": "",
    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "orderid": 98332442,
        "market": "BTC-ETH",
        "price": 0.0071123,
        "originUnits": 600,
        "filledUnits": 0,
        "commissionPaid": 0.0005044,
        "type": "MARKET",
        "status": "CANCEL"

Cancel all pending orders

To cancel all pending orders

DELETE /order

Current open sell order

Get all sell orders that you currently have opened.

GET /order/sell/open

GET /order/sell/open will be removed in the future (Exact date unknown). Please use GET order/:orderId instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
market String No Get only ask match with symbol
starttime Long No Get ask after this time
endtime Long No Get ask before this time


    "message": "",
    "status": "success",
    "data": [
            "orderid": 98332442,
            "market": "BTC-LTC",
            "price": 0.0071123,
            "originUnits": 600,
            "filledUnits": 500,
            "commissionPaid": 0.0005044,
            "type": "MARKET",
            "status": "PENDING"
            "orderid": 98332442,
            "market": "BTC-ETH",
            "price": 0.0071123,
            "originUnits": 600,
            "filledUnits": 0,
            "commissionPaid": 0.0005044,
            "type": "MARKET",
            "status": "PENDING"

Get all your sell orders

GET /order/sell/all

GET /order/sell/all will be removed in the future. (Exact date unknown).Please use GET /order instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
market String No Get only ask match with symbol
starttime Long No Get ask after this time
endtime Long No Get ask before this time


    "message": "",
    "status": "success",
    "data": [
            "orderid": 98332442,
            "market": "BTC-ETH",
            "price": 0.0071123,
            "originUnits": 600,
            "filledUnits": 0,
            "commissionPaid": 0.0005044,
            "type": "MARKET",
            "status": "CANCEL"
            "orderid": 98332442,
            "market": "BTC-ETH",
            "price": 0.0071123,
            "originUnits": 600,
            "filledUnits": 0,
            "commissionPaid": 0.0005044,
            "type": "MARKET",
            "status": "COMPLETE"
            "orderid": 98332442,
            "market": "BTC-LTC",
            "price": 0.0071123,
            "originUnits": 600,
            "filledUnits": 500,
            "commissionPaid": 0.0005044,
            "type": "MARKET",
            "status": "PENDING"
            "orderid": 98332442,
            "market": "BTC-ETH",
            "price": 0.0071123,
            "originUnits": 600,
            "filledUnits": 0,
            "commissionPaid": 0.0005044,
            "type": "MARKET",
            "status": "PENDING"

Get account information

Use to get your account information

GET /account


    "message": "",
    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "email": "john@tokenize.exchange",
        "fullName": "John Levis",
        "accountType": "personal",
        "membership": "Platinum",
        "referral": 5,
        "rewards": ""

Get account balances

Use to retrieve all balances from your account.

GET /account/balances


    "message": "",
    "status": "success",
    "data": [
            "currency": "BTC",
            "balance": 40000,
            "available": 40000,
            "pending": 0.00000,
            "address": "1MacMr6715hjds342dXuLqXcju6fgwHA31"
            "currency": "LTC",
            "balance": 50000,
            "available": 50000,
            "pending": 0.00000,
            "address": "HHKkJKJKLL4422ddkkkkdfaFaaFFEWWEE"

Get currency balance

Use to retrieve the balance from your account for a specified currency.

GET /account/balance


Name Type Mandatory Description
currency String YES


    "message": "",
    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "currency": "LTC",
        "balance": 50000,
        "available": 50000,
        "pending": 0.00000,
        "address": "HHKkJKJKLL4422ddkkkkdfaFaaFFEWWEE"

Get deposit address

Use to retrieve or generate an address for a specified currency.

GET /account/deposit-address


Name Type Mandatory Description
currency String YES


    "message": "",
    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "currency": "LTC",
        "address": "HHKkJKJKLL4422ddkkkkdfaFaaFFEWWEE"

Get daily withdrawal limit

Use to retrieve daily withdrawal limit for a specified currency.

GET /account/daily-withdrawal-limit


Name Type Mandatory Description
currency String YES


    "status": "success",
    "message": "",
    "data": {
        "currency": "ETH",
        "remaining": 225,
        "used": 0,
        "limit": 225,
        "minLimit": 0.1

Crypto Earn API

Get the running deposits

Returns all the running deposits.

GET /earn/list-active-deposits


  "status": "string",
  "message": "string",
  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "initial_amount": "10.00000000",
      "available_amount": "10.00000000",
      "currency_id": 18,
      "currency_code": "ETH",
      "currency_name": "Ethereum",
      "annual_percentage_rate": 4,
      "compound_interest": 1,
      "profit": null,
      "stake_of_currency_id": null,
      "stake_currency_code": null,
      "isFlexi": true,
      "start_at": 1655196104492,
      "end_at": 1686732104492,
      "withdrawal_date": 1655395200000
      "id": 2,
      "initial_amount": "1.00000000",
      "available_amount": "1.00000000",
      "currency_id": 18,
      "currency_code": "BTC",
      "currency_name": "Bitcoin",
      "annual_percentage_rate": 4,
      "compound_interest": 1,
      "profit": null,
      "stake_of_currency_id": null,
      "stake_currency_code": null,
      "isFlexi": true,
      "start_at": 1655196104492,
      "end_at": 1686732104492,
      "withdrawal_date": 1655395200000

Get the deposit history

GET /earn/deposit/:depositId/history


Name Type Mandatory Description
depositId Number YES


    "status": "success",
    "message": "",
    "data": [
            "type": "withdrawal",
            "amount": "0.10000000",
            "time": 1655196152237,
            "interest_amount": null,
            "interest_time": 1655196152237,
            "currency_name": "Bitcoin",
            "currency_code": "BTC"
            "type": "payment",
            "interest_amount": "0.0044845900",
            "time": 1625068800000,
            "interest_time": 1626281315883,
            "status": 1,
            "currency_name": "Bitcoin",
            "currency_code": "BTC"
            "type": "payment",
            "interest_amount": "0.0020000000",
            "time": 1635696000000,
            "interest_time": 1636728870663,
            "status": 1,
            "currency_name": "Bitcoin",
            "currency_code": "BTC"
            "type": "payment",
            "interest_amount": "0.0005000000",
            "time": 1638288000000,
            "interest_time": 1638419033998,
            "status": 1,
            "currency_name": "Bitcoin",
            "currency_code": "BTC"
            "type": "deposit",
            "amount": "0.10000000",
            "time": 1601436458809,
            "currency_name": "Bitcoin",
            "currency_code": "BTC"

Get the inactive deposits

Returns all the inactive deposits.

GET /earn/list-inactive-deposits


  "status": "string",
  "message": "string",
  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "initial_amount": "10.00000000",
      "available_amount": "0.00000000",
      "currency_id": 18,
      "currency_code": "ETH",
      "currency_name": "Ethereum",
      "annual_percentage_rate": 4,
      "compound_interest": 1,
      "profit": null,
      "stake_of_currency_id": null,
      "stake_currency_code": null,
      "isFlexi": true,
      "start_at": 1655196104492,
      "end_at": 1686732104492,
      "withdrawal_date": 1655395200000
      "id": 2,
      "initial_amount": "1.00000000",
      "available_amount": "0.00000000",
      "currency_id": 18,
      "currency_code": "BTC",
      "currency_name": "Bitcoin",
      "annual_percentage_rate": 4,
      "compound_interest": 1,
      "profit": null,
      "stake_of_currency_id": null,
      "stake_currency_code": null,
      "isFlexi": true,
      "start_at": 1655196104492,
      "end_at": 1686732104492,
      "withdrawal_date": 1655395200000

API Limit

Tokenize Xchange has a global limit of public API:

  • 600 requests per minute ( including market information and trades )
  • For trade requests, there’s another limit that is only one trade at a moment, no concurrency