FAQsPrograms AvailableTokenize Farming Pool

Tokenize Farming Pool

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By Tokenize Xchange
September 30, 2024

What is Tokenize Farming Pool?

Tokenize Farming Pool is a platform where users who participated, may receive newly minted tokens without paying any fees when they stake their assets. Depending on the amount of tokens you contribute to the pool, the quantity of tokens earned by you will vary.

Most pools have a lifespan of approximately 15 days. rewards will be calculated every hour and reflected daily. After the farming ends, farmers gain an advantage by having their tokens listed on Tokenize Xchange.

Who can participate in Farming Pool?

This campaign is open for Accredited Investors and Institutional Investors only.

Which pools are supported?

The supported pools on our platform can vary over time as new projects are introduced and others are completed. Tokenize Xchange will support a variety of projects, allowing users to stake different types of tokens to earn new ones.

When do I get the tokens I’ve farmed?

The rewards will be calculated hourly and reflected on a daily basis but can only be collected after the farming period.

How to access Farming pool?

1. Log in to your Tokenize account and click on “Farming Pool” on the navigation bar

Go to Farming Pool Feature

2. Select the project you want to stake your funds in, click the “Farm” button

Let’s take PIXEL as an example. On the Farming Pool page, you can see the available staking options. For example, TKX Pool means that you can farm TKX Pool to harvest PIXEL. Click Farm to participate.

Select PIXEL project

3. Start your farming

If you wish to farm into a pool, please enter the amount which should be greater than or equal to the minimum farm amount.

Here you can see the project information:

  • Farming period
  • Min farming amount
  • Annual percentage rate (APR)
  • Distribution date
  • Time until farming end
  • Yesterday reward
  • Total reward

Farming Pool campaign detail

After the farm successfully, rewards will be calculated hourly and reflected daily (at the end of each day) and can only be collected after the farming period.

You may not withdraw assets in the farming pool until the end of the farming period.

Farming Pool Campaign daily reward

Daily Reward Formula
Your daily rewards are calculated based on the value of TKX and the reward price, as follows:
Daily Reward Computation= TKX Price × Staked TKX Amount × Reward Rate (%)  / 365 days x Reward Price:
  • TKX Price: The daily value of TKX is determined by Tokenize guided by market trends and insights.
  • Reward Rate (%): The annual percentage used to calculate daily rewards.
  • Reward Price: The daily value of the reward is determined by Tokenize guided by market trends and insights.

4. Check your farming pool history

You can check your detailed farming amount right after seeing the successful notification. The daily reward is also reflected on the history page.

Farming Pool campaign history